Distance learning

Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
и преподавателя

Answers to FAQ

From March 18, 2020, students of the Ural State University of Railway Transport will have distance learning. Following information demonstrates how it will be organized.

  How will distance learning be organized?

Training on higher education programs will be carried out using the electronic information and educational environment Blackboard. Training in vocational education programs will be carried out using educational technologies that allow indirect interaction of students and teachers.

  How will students pass the exam period and how will the work experience internship take place?

The exam period according to academic schedule is planned in June 2020.

Final-year students will have their internship at enterprises/organizations in accordance with the orders of university.

  How will be passing of state exams and the defense of graduation thesis organized?

According to academic schedule state exams and the defense of graduation thesis are  planned in June 2020 and if necessary, they can be performed in distance mode.

 Will there any events at the University (scientific, cultural, sports, etc.) during this time?

Scientific, cultural, and sporting events will be postponed. Dates will be announced later.

  If I leave in a dormitory, should I leave?

Taking into account the changed conditions for the implementation of educational programs , all students are transferred to distance training mode at the place of residency registration.

  If students study in distance mode, will  the University be closed?

The University continues to work to ensure the educational process in a distance mode.

  Will administrative employees also switching to distance mode?

All organization departments of the University continue to work.

  In connection with the transition to distance learning mode, will the training fee be changed in the current semester?

In accordance with the orders of the Rector of USURT dated March 17, 2020, No. 136 and No.137, all students of the University are transferred to the distance learning mode at the place of residency registration. At the same time, the University ensures the implementation of educational programs in full scope, and students continue to master educational programs in full volume, only the technology of training changes. Contact work of students and teachers is carried out exclusively in the e-Education platform BlackBoard:

  • teachers provide all types of educational work of students in distance learning mode using methodological materials for lectures, practical, laboratory and other classes, organize interaction with students in e-Education platform BlackBoard through built-in communication tools, as well as e-mail, social networks and messengers, monitor student activity, current and control of learning results based on control and measurement materials posted in e-Education platform;
  • students are required to read the information in the notifications posted on the courses in the e-Education platform BlackBoard and e-mail messages received from teachers, master the discipline course using recommended methodological materials, follow the methodological instructions of teachers and complete all academic and control tasks in the disciplines of the semester on time.

All organization departments of the University continue to work, providing personnel, methodological, organizational, technical and managerial support for distance learning mode.

Despite the increased intensity in the work content of the of teachers and employees of other services of the University to provide distance training mode, as well as the use of additional technical resources, there will be no increase in of training fee.

  I still have questions, how can I find out more details?

If you still have any questions, you can contact the Department of international Affairs:

E-mail: international_dpt@usurt.ru

Telephone: +7 (343) 221-24-86